

主要联系人: Stephen R. Worth CPA, JD

Sales and use tax rules are more complex than ever, presenting known and unknown risks to businesses of all sizes.

The complexity is compounded by states becoming more aggressive and strategic in auditing taxpayers to recover tax dollars and fill budget gaps. 结果是, businesses must understand their sales tax exposure, 减轻风险和过去的暴露, and establish processes and systems to ensure ongoing compliance. We provide our clients with proactive, practical advice on sales and use tax filings and processes, taxability of products and services, 以及其他相关问题.  In addition to providing sound tax technical advice, our state and local tax (SALT) team can add value to your tax function through the following sales & 使用税务咨询pg电子游戏试玩:
  • 审计抗辩与争议
  • 合规流程审查
  • 数据自动化支持
  • 直接支付协议
  • 尽职调查
  • 暴露评价
  • 参与式管理/审计
  • 退款审核/逆向审计
  • 研究与矩阵
  • 事务规划
  • Voluntary Disclosures and Amnesty Programs
另外, our SALT team is well-positioned to alleviate the strain on your resources and unnecessary stress associated with the sales & use tax compliance function through the following services:
  • Correspondence and Notice 管理
  • 免检证书管理
  • 司法管辖区汇率变动更新
  • 跨州注册
  • 多州报税
关于pg电子游戏平台税务顾问  With one of the largest regional tax practices in the country, Schneider Downs Tax Advisors’ personal focus on clients and in-depth understanding of current issues ensures that clients are complying with tax filing requirements and maximizing tax benefits. Our industry knowledge and focus ensures delivery of technical tax strategies which can be implemented as practical business initiatives. 欲知详情,请浏览 税务pg电子游戏试玩.

Learn how we’ve Solved Big Problems For our clients

大问题: 受勒索软件影响的公司.

大的思考: Restore System On-site And Avoid Six-figure Ransom.


大问题: 低效的税收抵免实现.

大的思考: Identified A $900,000 Tax Credit, Nearly Twice As Much As Prior Years.



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