主要联系人: 玛丽维. 级会计师
One税 incentive that existsforthose in theexportbusiness isthereductionin 税 rate onFDII, 或外国获得的无形收入. FDII is income that is generated on the export of intangible assets, such as patents or trademarks. The Internal Revenue Service allows for income generated on the sale of these assets, 受制于几个复杂的限制, 将被征税.125%而不是21%的公司税率.The rules regarding when and what qualifies for the FDII rate reduction are complex and seemingly always evolving.Schneider Downs’ 税 professionals canprovideaidtobusinesses inmaking thedetermination as to whetherthey can benefit from a rate reduction on certain sales,help strategically plan new business ventures to take advantage of this significant rate reduction, and file the necessary forms and disclosures with the Internal Revenue Service annually.
IC-DISC为出口商节省了大量所得税. Permanent 税 savings are available to producers and distributors of U.S. 产品远销国外.
Rely on your Schneider Downs’ internal 税 professionals in exploring this great 税 incentive. We can determine if your operating entity and business model is a good fit for this 税-advantaged vehicle.
Non-willful delinquency in connection with disclosing your foreign assets happens all the time. These violations can lead to a variety of penalties and other serious consequences. 违反规定的处罚各不相同. 一般来说,他们的起价是1万美元,甚至可能更高. 故意不提交FBAR或其他表格, 例如, 你能多花100美元吗,000美元或国外账户余额的50%.
There are several existing IRS programs which can aid in fixing your non-compliance, and we can assist you in finding a tailored solution that makes sense for your situation. It is in your best interest to seek solutions proactively and disclose your foreign assets to the IRS. 国税局不会赦免你,除非你第一次和他们接触.
重要的是要强调时机是至关重要的, because the above IRS amnesty programs are currently available; however, 国税局可以随时取消它们. 目前有几个特赦计划:
These procedures generally apply when the 税payer did not fail to report any income and does not owe any 税, but non-willfully failed to file an FBAR or failed to include an account on a previously filed FBAR.
纳税人可以回去提交拖欠的fbar, ,通常, 国税局不会对未提交fbar的人处以罚款. We can help you in assessing whether you qualify for this program.
Taxpayers who have identified the need to file delinquent international information returns who are not under a civil examination or a criminal investigation by the IRS and have not already been contacted by the IRS about the delinquent information returns should file the delinquent information returns through normal filing procedures.
正常情况下, if you provide a reasonable cause for the delay in your submission and don’t have any unpaid 税 liability and the IRS will waive any penalties associated with late filing. 有时候,这种税收特赦是最好的办法. However, a thorough planning and analysis of all relevant facts is the key.
Did you miss reporting of your foreign accounts, investment, and income? The IRS has two great programs for non-willful delinquently filing 税payers to become compliant: the domestic streamlined program and foreign streamlined program.
国内的精简程序要求:非任性, 不受国税局审计, 并在最近几年提交了纳税申报表. The potential 5% penalty could apply; however, this 5% penalty should be balanced against potentially large penalties associated with continuous noncompliance.
为国外简化程序, the main requirements are: non-residency and non-willfulness in failure to disclose foreign assets. 简化的外国手续不需要缴纳5%的罚款, 而且不需要事先提交纳税申报表.
在精简的程序中,不任性是至关重要的一部分. Determination of whether one’s conduct was non-willful can be highly technical, so it’s best to work with a qualified international 税 professional.
拥有全国最大的地区税务事务所之一, Schneider Downs Tax Advisors’ personal focus on clients and in-depth understanding of current issues ensures that clients are complying with 税 filing requirements and maximizing 税 benefits. Our industry knowledge and focus ensures delivery of technical 税 strategies which can be implemented as practical business initiatives. 欲知详情,请浏览 税务pg电子游戏试玩.
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Read More >Schneider Downs is a Top 60 independent Certified Public Accounting (CPA) firm providing accounting, 税, audit and business advisory services to public and private companies, 非营利组织和全球性公司. We also offer Internal Audit; Technology 咨询; 软件解决方案; Personal 金融 pg电子游戏试玩; Retirement Plan Solutions and Corporate Finance pg电子游戏试玩. Schneider Downs is the 13th largest accounting firm in the Mid-Atlantic region and serves individuals and companies in Pennsylvania (PA), 俄亥俄州(哦), 西弗吉尼亚州(WV), 纽约(NY), 马里兰(MD), and additional states in the United States with offices in 宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡, 哥伦布,哦, 和麦克莱恩, VA.
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每一刻都很重要. 紧急请求, contact the Schneider Downs digital forensics and incident response team at 1-800-993-8937. 如有其他要求,请填写以下表格.