大卫·C. Brinkman CFA, CPA, CFP
乔治·E. 亚当斯注册会计师,CEPA
pg电子游戏平台的离职和继任计划pg电子游戏试玩涉及多个领域, 由企业所有者为企业所有者定制和设计的全面整合的退出计划和继任解决方案.
退出和继任计划是你在整个企业生命周期中需要实施的最重要的策略之一, and whether you are ready to start today or in 10 years, it’s never too early to begin the discussions. Schneider Downs is uniquely qualified to provide you with ideas, 选择和创新的解决方案,以满足您心中的任何目标.
We will help you address common obstacles to exit planning, explain why exit planning is important and a good business strategy, help to assess owner and business readiness, identify deal killers and apply the value acceleration methodology ™, 同时确定最适合您目标的解决方案以及了解潜在的税收, 现金流, 房地产, business and family considerations. We will help you address common obstacles to exit planning, explain why exit planning is important and a good business strategy, help to assess owner and business readiness, 找出交易杀手.
我们利用 价值构建者系统 提供一个价值建设者预评分,让你很好地理解你的团队在确保令人满意的退出中扮演的角色. The assessment provides the 4 Key Drivers of an exit without regret. You can get your score at the link below.
我们的退出和继任计划顾问由来自五个实践部门的咨询专业人士组成-保证和税务顾问, 业务咨询, 技术顾问, corporate finance and wealth management—to deliver seamless, fully integrated exit and succession solutions.
下载我们的 Exit and Succession Planning service overview 要了解更多或 pg电子游戏试玩 今天开始.
So whether you are unsure of your next steps, 你在找买家吗, private equity or public offering or thinking of transitioning to family, 密钥管理, gifting to individuals or trusts, 或者考虑员工持股计划, 施耐德·唐斯会倾听, 理解, 创建, manage and fully execute your exit and succession plan.
pg电子游戏平台交易咨询pg电子游戏试玩和企业融资团队提供战略, 指导和pg电子游戏试玩组织需要在交易的所有阶段创造价值, including due diligence and quality of earnings, 兼并与收购, 离职和继任计划, capital raising and corporate finance.
访问我们的 M&A and Transaction Advisory pg电子游戏试玩 page or contact the team directly at (电子邮件保护).
Schneider Downs Corporate Finance, LP is a registered broker/dealer. 成员 美国金融业监管局/SIPC.
有问题吗?? 问我们!
我们很乐意听到你的消息. Drop us a note, and we'll respond to you as quickly as possible.pg电子游戏平台交易咨询pg电子游戏试玩和企业融资团队提供战略, 指导和pg电子游戏试玩组织需要在交易的所有阶段创造价值, including due diligence and quality of earnings, 兼并与收购, 离职和继任计划, capital raising and corporate finance.
访问我们的 M&A and Transaction Advisory pg电子游戏试玩 page or contact the team directly at (电子邮件保护).
Schneider Downs Corporate Finance, LP is a registered broker/dealer. 成员 美国金融业监管局/SIPC.